# Welcome to the Ancestor Wiki
I'm [[Ari Nazem]], and I am learning to [[Stages|grow up]] (transcend my ego), [[Dimensions|wake up]] (increase my awareness), clean up (integrate my [[Shadow]]), and open up (develop my [[Archetypes|archetypes]] & [[Intelligences]]).
I also lead a small collective of other practitioners trying to do the same, using practices for the whole being - body, heart, mind and spirit.
Through my practice I have been developing an evolutionary informed, easily memorable, and [[Integral Theory|Integral]] map of the psyche that I use to aid in my development and healing work. It's called the [[Metaphysics|Ancestor System]].
Currently, I am currently working on documenting the system here in this wiki. Once that is done, I look forward to sharing its wisdom in other formats - visual art, music, ritual, storytelling, videos, podcasts, etc - and seeking collaboration and community with others on the path.
I have currently finished writing up the [[Dimensions]] and the [[Intelligences]], in addition to many related topics that support understanding them. Plus, some other curios you can explore ;)
In the meantime, I am also sharing some conversations that orbit Ancestor with some of my relations on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@FUTRCIV/featured). In these episodes, I touch on some of the other elements of the System as well like the Levels and [[Archetypes]], which I have not written up here yet.
May this work be in service of your journey! With my gratitude, and blessings.